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  • 控制元件
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    Feature description

    The selection of valves

    1.Form selection

    According to application requests and conditions, choose the form of valves : direct acting or pilot.

    2.Selection of control mode

    According to the control requests upon application, choose the control mode : air, electrical, manual or mechanical control.

    3.Selection of function of valves

    The function of valves is selected upon the working requirements : two-position two-way, two-position three-way, two-position five-way and three-position five-way ; middle-sealed, middle leakage and midway pressurizing type, etc.

    4.Selection of model and specification

    Selection the model and specification of valves upon the flow requirements of application.

    5.Selection of installation way

    The installation way is selected upon the installation requirement of valves : pipe-joint type or containerized type.

    6.Selection of electric parameters

    Select the electric model of valves upon actual application requirement : voltage, power and grommet type.


    Attentions on Design and Selection

    1.Correctly understand and apply midway stop function of reversing valve in the place with three-position middle-sealed or middle-pressure reversing valves to carry out the

       midway stop of piston in cylinder (double axes or adjustable double axes), as the air has compressibility, it is difficult to have correct and precise position stop. In addition,

       it is not available to make sure that leakage will not occur in the valves and cylinders, thus it cannot stay in the position of midway stop for a long time. Other ways shall be

       taken to maintain a long-term stop.


    2.Pay attention to the influences of back pressure caused by the consolidation of valves on the system ; In the place with consolidaton of valves, pay attention to the wrong

       action of actuators caused by back pressure ; especially pay attention to the place using three-position midway leakage reversing valves and the place driving single acting

       cylinder/ Individual intake and exhaust must be carried out in the place that-ay have wrong action.


    3.Fully consider the release of remaining pressure between reversing valves and cylinders ; Considering the system examination nees, the function of releasing remaining pressure 

       shall be set up. Especially in the place using three-position midway leakage reversing valves, the remaining pressure between reversing valves and cylinders must be eliminated.


    4.The temporary power supply and air supply of dual controlled valves. Routine dual electric (air) control valves have memory function (except for three-position valves), in the place 

       with temporary power supply, the duration of power supply shall be above 0.1s to make sure that the valve has changer its direction.


    5.Application of lowest pressure for air supply. The requirement of lowest application pressure shall be considered for the internal pilot-oriented valves, while direct drive valves or

       external pilot-oriented valves are not limited by lowest application pressure.


    6.Use in vacuum condition

       If the valves are used in the place with vacuum switching, measures to prevent the inhalation of dust from suction cup shall be adopted. Moreover, direct drive or external

       pilot-oriented reversing valves shall be selected in vacuum condition.


    To maintain normal and good working state of pneumatic system, the following maintenance work is necessary in actual use:

    1.Examine application pressure : regularly examine whether the pressure is normal in work.


    2.Examine the filter situation of the compressed air : regularly examine whether filters and oil misting device work normally and whether their pollution situation is normal.


    3.Examine whether system pipeline leaks.


    4.Examine whether solenoid valves act slowly and whether the exhaust-situation is normal.


    5.Examine whether the adjustment of oil quantity of oil misting device is normal.


    6.Please read relative content in this manual about the requirements of solenoid valves to air quality and application environment, the pipeline connection of solenoid valves and the lubrication of solenoid valves.


    7.The switching action of valves shall be guaranteed regularly under low-frequency application, at least once switching shall be conducted for each month.


    8.About manual operation:

       8-1.Ensure no danger, prior to activating manual override.

       8-2.For push button option : Activate by push the button in the direction shown(Down drawing).

       8-3.For slotted otion : 

             Activate by push the button in the direction shown.

    Attention:With correct size screw driver : Please turn to lock gently(Torque:0.1N.m)

       8-4.Vertical plug type and parallel plug type are the same as plug, please wire line as up drawing by practicality.


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